Here’s How We’re Making an Impact

Here’s How We’re Making an Impact

At EOCP, we build personalized, trusting, and authentic relationships with people experiencing homelessness, and walk alongside them as they grow into a life of self-reliance. We know that each individual and family experiences homelessness for unique reasons — so we focus on genuinely understanding a person or a family for who they are, not what happened to them.

We care for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Oakland and Alameda County through residential programs and intentional community-based initiatives that encourage rapid re-housing. Our offerings support people with specific needs, such as Veterans, formerly incarcerated individuals, and young adults.

Our commitment to a personalized, compassionate, and dignified approach is rooted in healing our community — because we know that “one size fits all” programs only perpetuate racism and poverty.

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7515 International Boulevard
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 532-3211
© 2024 East Oakland Community Project